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Newest Member: Jay9090

Just Found Out :
Wife cheating on me and still in contact with AP


Hurthalo ( member #41782) posted at 11:30 PM on Wednesday, December 20th, 2023


Brother, I know what this is like, I went through this (am still going through it, albeit out the other side!) when I found out about my wife's affair. To add further insult to injury, I found out three weeks after I'd kicked her out that she was actually with a second AP, and that she'd introduced him to my 3 kids. It still does my head in.

Purely as background, in my instance, she had had an affair back in 2013 barely one year into our marriage, and I had erroneously 'thought' that our long and painful reconciliation was a good 9 years behind us in the past, and that she'd learned her lesson. How wrong I was. My priority was the kids. I can tell you mate that my kids have adapted post-D magnificently, and I want you to take some solace in that kids are more resilient and adaptable than you might think. Your job at this point in time is to be the stable rock for your kids; the responsible one whom they can rely on.

First and foremost, your priority should be getting yourself out of infidelity. You wife doesn't get to cake-eat, rock her world with cold indifference and plough on ahead with planning your life like she is no longer part of it. Affairs don't survive in the sunlight, and she will find very quickly that the fantasy life she thinks she is going to lead with this under-achiever is precisely that: a sick fantasy. Second time around, I didn't even try and fight for my wife, I told her to get her crap and move out to a friend's place, and a week later I sent her a ordered and forensically laid-out spreadsheet of our finances including the proposed split. By the time she'd come back around to pick up more things from the house, I'd hung new artwork, moved furniture, and made it abundantly clear that my life was moving on without her. You need to do the same; as much as it hurts, showing your wife you don't need her and WILL move on without her in a place of moral superiority is extremely powerful at this point.

Secondly, I know exactly what it is like to have suicidal thoughts at this time. There was one day at the complete emotional nadir of my situation I scared myself in regards to how close some of those thoughts got. I went to the doctor's and he prescribed some anti-anxiety/anti-depressants to help me through that time. I can not overstate how helpful that was, instead of sitting at a 8 or 9 for stress (and then having something happen would send me to 11-12!), I found I was sitting at a 4-5; so if something triggered me, I would only hit a 8 or 9...which meant I could deal with it. in essence, please see a GP. And a therapist. Having someone to talk to is amazingly helpful as you process this.

In the case you end up pursuing divorce, from a financial POV, a good piece of advice is to tie your wife down to an amicable agreement that benefits you while her head is in the affair clouds. You don't have to go to court, you can reach a legal agreement between you both. Striking early while she's giddy with 'what might be' is often a good tactic.

In regards to dealing with your wife, there is one piece of advice that helped me, and that is that the person you thought your wife was is dead. The person you thought she was never existed. The 'thing' wearing her skin is what your wife truly is, someone who was merely looking for opportunity to betray her husband and family. There is a very poignant quote regarding dealing with infidelity whereby a partner says 'it would have been easier to bury them' in so much that dealing with losing them in an accident or to illness would hurt less than losing them to infidelity - because losing someone to infidelity means that person made multiple decisions on a daily basis to willingly inflict this hurt on you. Deal with your wife appropriately in that regard, she is not an ally, she is at this point your worst enemy and she 100% does not have your interests at heart.

Also mate, in the case that you do go through with divorce (and I know this is all in the future and very far from your mind at the moment) I want you to know that as a single Dad who has just gone through this, I want you to take a great deal of solace that you will have absolutely ZERO problems with meeting someone who will adore you and respect you. Amusingly, at no point in my eventual dips into dating post-separation did I ever meet a woman who turned her nose up at me having kids. In fact, the majority found it endearing, as I would assume those same women came to the conclusion that a responsible single Dad was quite the catch (well, maybe rightly or wrongly, haha!) Your wife will not have the same experience when (and I say WHEN) it all goes pear-shaped with Bob the not-so-financially-independent Builder. It's not fair to women, but we don't make the rules!

In my example, I am now dating an absolutely wonderful woman (who coincidentally is way hotter than my ex, haha!) who adores my children, and who absolutely loathes cheaters having gone through similar. I concentrated all my focus and anger on going to the gym, and packed on muscle accordingly. My oldest daughter told me that 'Mum said she saw you in the car running without a shirt on the other day around the neighbourhood and that we didn't recognise you because you are so buff.' laugh laugh laugh

As for my ex? Predictably, the first AP cut her away like a bad habit to chase another girlfriend, and second AP has now informed my ex-wife that he is moving overseas in the next two weeks - without her. She is now finding out exactly how much I did around the house, and how much of the finances I used to cover for us. The karma bus collects them at some stage mate, trust me!

I am sorry you are going through this, especially at Christmas. It WILL get better, I promise you. Post as much as you need, we are here to help you through this.

[This message edited by Hurthalo at 11:34 PM, Wednesday, December 20th]

posts: 318   ·   registered: Dec. 26th, 2013   ·   location: Australia
id 8818900

RealityBlows ( member #41108) posted at 11:31 PM on Wednesday, December 20th, 2023

Further, parents have the right to determine morality issues surrounding appropriate messaging regarding social and religious issues. You shouldn't feel badly for demanding that the children's wellbeing is top priority.

And your attorney can help ensure this. My Ex and I had many protective stipulations written into our marital settlement agreement to protect our children.

posts: 1322   ·   registered: Oct. 25th, 2013
id 8818902

InkHulk ( member #80400) posted at 11:45 PM on Wednesday, December 20th, 2023

It’s so awful, we know. Keep posting, we’ll be here for you, an endless supply of people who are 100% on your side who understand your pain and confusion. So sorry you have to go thru this, but you will make it thru.

People are more important than the relationships they are in.

posts: 2325   ·   registered: Jun. 28th, 2022
id 8818903

DobleTraicion ( member #78414) posted at 3:28 AM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023

Sir, the pressure and stress you are experiencing and relating right now are bleeding from every word you post and I feel for you. I know what its like to face this shyt with young children at home and during the holidays no less. You are getting tremendous input but I think you are on complete overwhelm and that concerns me.

Take a lot of deep breaths. Focus ONLY on what you can control. You cannot control your traitor of a wife. Dont try. Stop talking to her (shes not listening anyway). Literally ignore her. You cannot control the ahole schmuck of her fbuddy. Never talk to him again directly. Never. I hope Im wrong but it feels like those two are gaming you together on purpose to get you to crack.

Focus on you and the task at hand. Take care of your basic needs and spend time with the kids. See a solicitor as soon as possible and follow their guidance. If you need to delay through the holidays, so be it. Do you have close, trusted friends and family to lean on? If so, do so. Put the ear buds in and listen to anything that calms you.

You can and will get through this. Youre just having to shovel a lot of cr@p right now.

Solidarity Brlywtr.

[This message edited by DobleTraicion at 4:26 AM, Thursday, December 21st]

"You'd figure that in modern times, people wouldn't feel the need to get married if they didn't agree with the agenda"

~ lascarx

posts: 362   ·   registered: Mar. 2nd, 2021   ·   location: South
id 8818920

Bigger ( Attaché #8354) posted at 10:21 AM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023


Most importantly: If you are having ANY thoughts about how you not being there would be best for all – as in suicidal thoughts – reach out for help. That could be a friend, a family-member, a hotline, a priest, a mental-health professional… There is no shame in feeling like the tray of crap placed in front of you is too much to handle – there is no shame in acknowledging that and getting someone to help you handle it.

I will give you this promise:

If you do nothing more than go to sleep in the evening, wake up in the morning and live a normal life where you have the right combination of time with kids, time at work, time with friends and time dealing with your relationship-status. The right combination of healthy nutrition and the right amount of physical exertion. If you have this, then 30 days from now you will be in a much better place than now.

Maybe not a good place. Definitely not a place you want to dwell in for long. But better.

30 days from that day you will be in a better place. A month later – a better place. Eventually – and a lot of research indicates 2 years – you will be fine.

Irrespective of if you are married or not. With your wife or not. As long as you have spend those days getting out of infidelity.

This is guaranteed.

YOU WILL GET BETTER – but only if you work at it.

[This message edited by SI Staff at 10:21 AM, Thursday, December 21st]

"If, therefore, any be unhappy, let him remember that he is unhappy by reason of himself alone." Epictetus

posts: 12593   ·   registered: Sep. 29th, 2005
id 8818930

HellFire ( member #59305) posted at 12:06 PM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023

Checking in with you this morning. I hope you were able to sleep. If you are having trouble sleeping, see your doctor. It's ok to ask him for something to help you sleep,and something for anxiety.

You also need to be tested for stds.

But you are what you did
And I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive
The smallest man who ever lived..

posts: 6794   ·   registered: Jun. 20th, 2017   ·   location: The Midwest
id 8818932

Hurthalo ( member #41782) posted at 12:37 PM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023

Great comment Bigger.

I'm at the 18 month mark and I feel 300% better than I did in those harrowing first few weeks.

Brlywtr, Bigger speaks the truth. One day at a time brother.

posts: 318   ·   registered: Dec. 26th, 2013   ·   location: Australia
id 8818933

 Brlywtr (original poster new member #84263) posted at 12:41 PM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023

Thanks so much guys

I managed to sleep ok last night. I'm on Sertraline anti depressant and I've got some pretty strong sleeping tabs from the doctor as well but haven't used them.

I'll be honest, there's a different reason I requested really strong sleeping tabs from the doctor, but that has passed now and I don't think I could do it. But I scared myself knowing that I made a plan.

Day by day is how I'm going.

I told her last night that she is free to contact him and go and do what she wants, only if she does it's not as my wife.

Will be night 1 of her new freedom tonight, and surprise surprise she's going to see him for a "chat".

I'll spend quality time with my kids and read them both bed time stories and have cuddles while she is trying to figure her mess of a life out.

posts: 39   ·   registered: Dec. 14th, 2023   ·   location: UK
id 8818934

InkHulk ( member #80400) posted at 1:00 PM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023

Thanks for checking in and glad you got some sleep. Taking care of your body is extremely important right now. Sleep, eat, exercise.

I think it would be a really good idea to flush those pills and as has been suggested, talk with someone about your thoughts and even plans to self harm. This is not in any way to shame you, I remember the shock and pain. But as Bigger said, it gets better, it really does. Life will be good again and your kids need you.

People are more important than the relationships they are in.

posts: 2325   ·   registered: Jun. 28th, 2022
id 8818935

Hurthalo ( member #41782) posted at 1:03 PM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023

I am very glad to hear you have some medical support mate. Honestly, it was one of the best things I did during those mad first few weeks.

Also good to see you have started the 180 on her; even if she doesn't come around, it is an important first step for you as well to shore yourself up mentally.

There's no shame in having suicidal thoughts; we've all been there. Learn from it, and park those ideas forever. Your life will be fine no matter what, and your kids need their Dad firing on all cylinders for them. They are the priority now.

Oh she's going for a 'chat' with him is she? If it wasn't so tragic it would be funny. We can all predict how this is going to pan out for her. Like clockwork!

Thinking of you mate. The glidepath out of this is up some days, and down on others. Don't be afraid to cry, take joy in your kids, and you'll also be amazed how many people will step up for you. Things will get better mate, even if you decide to D. Trust me on that.

[This message edited by Hurthalo at 1:09 PM, Thursday, December 21st]

posts: 318   ·   registered: Dec. 26th, 2013   ·   location: Australia
id 8818936

 Brlywtr (original poster new member #84263) posted at 1:09 PM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023

Oh but she promised she wouldn't sleep with him tonight.......

Like I was born yesterday

posts: 39   ·   registered: Dec. 14th, 2023   ·   location: UK
id 8818938

Bigger ( Attaché #8354) posted at 1:29 PM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023


Can I make one suggestion?
Well… I’m going to start with a prediction… She’s going to visit to "talk" and I predict with about 8/10 reliability that she will come home and say something along the lines of "alas. I have sacrificed my life’s happiness to be with you. Hope you are happy" and then expect everything to fall back into the way it was.
You do not want that…
I want to stress this so hard because reconciliation is possible if you want it.
But… your WW also needs to want it and you both need to want it for the same base-reason: Because you want each other. Not the kids, not the house, not because OM is not available – ONLY because she wants you as her husband and you want her as your wife. AND the infidelity needs to be over. AND you both realize and accept the work ahead.
Right now – at best – you might have one of those conditions, and it’s useless unless all conditions are met. Right now, the ONLY OPEN path available is divorce.

My suggestion?
Well… Since she’s shared that she’s going to OM then get a couple of issues out of the way.
Like – ask her if she’s fine with moving to the spare bedroom. I want to emphasize that you can’t force her to be there. But you can tell her that you find it hard to have to sleep next to her, knowing that maybe an hour previous she was having sex with OM. That both of you would sleep better separately. If she refuses – YOU move. Remember – you can’t force her, and you do not want to take any action that can be viewed as threatening or aggressive. Moving is not a sign of weakness – it’s a sign of accepting reality and the consequences of her decisions.

Then tell her that maybe she should use the opportunity to ask OM if she can’t just sleep there and maybe even move over there. Tell her you two can figure a schedule where she maybe reads for the kids every other night but then drives over to Prince Charming for her sleep, and that every second night she can leave when you come home from work or after dinner.

Make these requests in a matter-of-fact way. It’s not a threat, but simply practical issues. It’s reality.

I’m guessing she will respond with some "I haven’t decided yet…" where you respond with "yes, but I have. I’m getting more and more content with my decision to get out of infidelity. Your late-decision has less and less value for me by the minute."

Finally: These "I need to have a last visit to talk things through" scenarios are like the alcoholic that needs to stop at a bar on his way to an AA meeting to celebrate sobriety. If she wants the marriage – she ends the affair cold-turkey.

"If, therefore, any be unhappy, let him remember that he is unhappy by reason of himself alone." Epictetus

posts: 12593   ·   registered: Sep. 29th, 2005
id 8818940

Bigger ( Attaché #8354) posted at 1:31 PM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023

One final thought…

If she’s going to insist she "needs" to meet OM to let him know it’s over and she’s committing to you and the marriage… and persists she "needs" this closure…

Make her these two offers:

She can do it over Facetime.

She can have him over in your living-room for 30 minutes. You will leave the home and sit in your car down the road for 30 minutes.

The given fact she wont accept either…

And be vocal about it: Tell her the promise of no sex is a) totally unbelievable to you and b) since you have released her from the role of “wife” really of no concern for you. Tell her she can drop off and blow the entre shift at the Fire Department for all you care. Her actions are no longer confined by the expectations of marriage

[This message edited by SI Staff at 1:34 PM, Thursday, December 21st]

"If, therefore, any be unhappy, let him remember that he is unhappy by reason of himself alone." Epictetus

posts: 12593   ·   registered: Sep. 29th, 2005
id 8818941

 Brlywtr (original poster new member #84263) posted at 1:52 PM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023

I get the sentiment and your advice is really appreciated but the theory is great in theory, but in real life there is a lot of nuances and variables which makes certain bits hard to implement.

We HAVE to be around each other a lot for the kids, they are so young and they need us.

The kids will be getting ready for and going to bed, having him over the house is not a great option.

I'm happy to let them go and do what they have to do. She's showing me exactly what I mean to her by doing it. I'm losing the Wil to care any more

posts: 39   ·   registered: Dec. 14th, 2023   ·   location: UK
id 8818943

Bigger ( Attaché #8354) posted at 2:02 PM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023

Friend – I know my advice can sound direct and harsh but IMHO what you are dealing with requires that.
OK – so he can’t come over. You two busy… Yet not so busy that she can go to his house.
What about the Facetime offer? What about the sleeping arrangements? What about letting her know that her decision to go visit him tells you all you need to know for you to persist on YOUR path?
Friend – firmly and with the best of intentions: If your kitchen was on fire Christmas morning you wouldn’t delay calling the fire department until the presents were open… YOUR MARRIAGE IS ON FIRE!

"If, therefore, any be unhappy, let him remember that he is unhappy by reason of himself alone." Epictetus

posts: 12593   ·   registered: Sep. 29th, 2005
id 8818945

 Brlywtr (original poster new member #84263) posted at 2:10 PM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023

Bigger, thank you, I get it I really do.

Things are tough at the moment, my mental health is in the bin and it's my little boys birthday on Christmas Day.

I'm doing my best and trying to implement your advice as best I can, I assure you that, I really am trying.

posts: 39   ·   registered: Dec. 14th, 2023   ·   location: UK
id 8818947

Bigger ( Attaché #8354) posted at 2:12 PM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023

I’ll ease off.
Your best is probably a lot better than you realize for your kid. Be there for him and make his day special.
Remember – tomorrow will be better than today, and today is already better than yesterday.

"If, therefore, any be unhappy, let him remember that he is unhappy by reason of himself alone." Epictetus

posts: 12593   ·   registered: Sep. 29th, 2005
id 8818948

InkHulk ( member #80400) posted at 2:16 PM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023

It makes sense that you can’t envision a different way of caring for your kids. You have a culture in your home and a way of showing love to your kids. What you are saying there absolutely shouts that you are an amazing man and father. Friend, your wife has traded all of that so that to degrade herself with someone else. She has utterly and fully betrayed you and your family.
That is the bad news. The good news is that there are other "new normals" possible that will provide love and care to your children. There are other ways of parenting. They might not be what you desire right now, but first get out of the burning house, then figure out how to reshape your life. This is going to impact your kids, there is no stopping that. There is no way to insulate children from a mother’s betrayal. But it can just be a change and a scar in a few months. Give them love and stability and they will adapt.

People are more important than the relationships they are in.

posts: 2325   ·   registered: Jun. 28th, 2022
id 8818949

1994 ( member #82615) posted at 4:07 PM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023

Do you have the means to get an emergency individual counseling session? The dark thoughts you're undergoing right now can be overwhelming. Take care of your kids, of course, but please talk to someone immediately...if not sooner.

posts: 202   ·   registered: Dec. 25th, 2022   ·   location: USA
id 8818963

DobleTraicion ( member #78414) posted at 4:22 PM on Thursday, December 21st, 2023

I'm doing my best and trying to implement your advice as best I can, I assure you that, I really am trying.

I know you are and yes, you have to interact with her about the kids. Try to limit it to that. Boil it down to one word....detach. Repeat it to yourself, especially when shes in close proximity.

Do whatever it takes to maintain your mental health right now. Your mention of the sleeping pills and the previous post of self deleting thoughts has us greatly concerned for your well being. Reach out here as many times as needed for an outlet. Your well being is job 1. Your kids need a healthy, functioning Dad as well.

"You'd figure that in modern times, people wouldn't feel the need to get married if they didn't agree with the agenda"

~ lascarx

posts: 362   ·   registered: Mar. 2nd, 2021   ·   location: South
id 8818964
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